La Intendencia en Puerto Rico en Tres Tiempos: Las Luchas entre la Administración Colonial y las Reformas Administrativas
Autor: JD Estrada
Carpeta blanda, 480 páginas
***** AUTOR LOCAL *****
Nathaniel Runnels isn’t a fan of life. He isn’t a fan of the news, which is a bust because he’s a reporter. He’s lost faith in journalism, in the truth, in civilization and in himself. So it’s quite the surprise when he gets swept up in a quest to save the world. Perception and reality collide as one man faces one question, would you sacrifice your humanity to save mankind?Only Human is a tale where the truth is revealed about vampires, about therians (make sure you don’t call them werewolves), about angels, about demons, the photogeni plant people and humanity as we supposedly know it. This isn’t your typical book, these aren’t your typical vampires and what has been said is fiction, may actually be truer than the history you’ve been sold.